Friday, August 8, 2008

08/08/08; 08:08:08!

Today is August 8, 2008, and the numerologists are once again going crazy. We all know they just need a reason to do so!!! We saw this on May 5, 2005, we saw it in a big way on June 6, 2006, and now we are re-experiencing it for 08-08-2008. Unlike other days the date today does add up to 8: 8-8-2008, or 16 + 10 = 26 = 8. In China, the Summer Olympics will open today at 8:08:08 pm. The word for "8" in Chinese is similar to the word "wealth" or "fortune." Chinese couples are rushing to marry on August 8, believing it to me an extremely auspicious day.

While I don't believe in numerology it just amuses to witness these dates...01/02/03, 01/01/01....etc and the likes. I remember a huge hype numerologically, historically and more importantly technologically was created around Y2K...01/01/2000. There was so much of anxiousness and at the same time so much of anticipation given it was millennium and happens once in a 1000 years!!! Marketers and marketing gurus created new jargons which they became famous for in the years that followed....millennium generation etc etc.

Coming back to today, 08.08.08...while its unique or rather common like 01.01.01, 02.02.02 etc and so on why its become more significant is due to the fact that its supposed to be lucky for Chinese and its also the year of 8 for them. By launching the Olympics today at 08.08.08 pm the event will at least be remembered for one unique thing, the date and time it was launched!!!!

The best part is while I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of today, I missed 'experiencing' 08.08.08, 08.08.08 am....I will ensure that I don't miss 08.08.08, 08.08.08 pm!


Kavi said...

Did you look at the snaps of babies born at 8.00 am on the 8888 stuff !

Interesting time in interesting times !

Carnic said...

nope...where can i locate them???