Just 19 hours ago saw the curtains come down on yet another year and the birth of yet another new year. After a long time I chose to bring in the new year in a typical teeny way - partying, dancing and screaming away to glory...City - Chennai @ the venue - Dublin @ Park Sheraton! When I look back its been an just an OK year overall except for a couple of memorable events to cherish as well.
On the personal front - my younger brother got married followed by my sister in law who come to think of was more like my kid, mother, friend, guide @ different points of time. I also moved back to be together with my better half. And guess what my biking sojourns have started all over again. Have already made a trip to Mahabalipuram...a long time dream. Pondicherry and Rameshwaram are next...5 close friends became proud parents! I hope to emulate them soom. Guys any advices? :)
On the profession front I alighted off India's favourite airline - Kingfisher Airlines in Mumbai (purely on personal grounds) and nosedived into the dynamic world of telecom, joining Idea Cellular in my favourite city of Chennai with the wishes from one of my good friends 'An Idea will change your life'. Hope his wishes and prayers come true. Its been hardly 6 months and a lots have happened in this category so life have been pretty hectic.
What to look ahead to in 2010?
Well given my birthday is just 2 days before the year ends...with every year coming to a close I start wondering how it went...what went right what didn't and what I need to do in the next year. I did that exercise this time too. The focus is going to be a mix of personal and professional. On the personal front planning for a family while on the professional front would work towards steaming ahead!
Here's wishing all of you a happy, prosperous, memorable and successful 2010!
Belated wishes on the birthday ! And best wishes for 2010 !!!
May the dive into idea bear great fruits !
thanks kavi...tried calling the other day do call me when u find time. 9092005270
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