It was early 80s and the ear of Doordarshan than I saw the first TV serial with a woman protagonist....'Udaan' a cop serial loosely inspired by Kiran Bedi. Then came Shanti which brought another personality to the limelight - Mandira Bedi! With liberalisation and the boom of media and channels resulted in an explosion of the 'never-ending' TV sagas genre most of them specifically centred around the protagonist - coincidentally a woman!
From 'Kyunki Kabhi Saans Bhi Bahu Thi' to ' Balika Vadhu' and dozens of others the script writers and producers have explored and probably exploited all aspects and all angles! Today almost on a daily basis a new TV serial with a female lead is being launched. Yes, in the past couple of decades there were soaps with male protagonists as well but statistically what its some 0.00001% (or probably much lower!!!) There should be a reservation bill for men! Though on celluloid its completely the reverse!
Cut to reality...over the last 25 years on one side women in India ( and of Indian origin) have progress in almost all spheres of life across towns big n small, on the other hand atrocities and apathy coupled with gender bias continues...
Cut to Indian politics, its been 15 years that the Women's Reservation Bill was introduced in the Parliament but sadly its become another political pawn...And I wonder what it will end up changing!
So net net over the last 25 years whats been happening really amuses me....
Women..TV Soaps...33% Reservation Bill....
TV ? What TV ? Where is the time ? Thats actually a good thing. To have no time for TV !~
Daily soaps which show casting women never shows the true world...women in that falls only in two category like some will be vam who tries to destroy each and everything in others life or some gal who will sacrifice everything..too good to this present world..which never exist.
Women reservation quota..huh who wants that...what's it gonna change except some seats in parliament, will it change the present condition of women in and around who is getting mistreatment.
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