Appa & amma are currently visiting us in Chennai. The weekdays fly in attending to the pressures at work. Sometimes it gets so hectic that am left with just enough energy to come home have my dinner and crash. And just about recover in the morning to rush back to work. As a result weekends are ‘recovery time’. This leaves amma at home through the day mostly bored.
So we decided to go out for a ride and stroll. With Chennai offering very limited options we headed to the largest and most popular of places during the weekend – The Marina Beach! Over the last year or so have visited several times. As soon as we reached amma recollected her days in Chennai over 3 decades back! Looking at the harbor she recollected the times when appa-amma came back from the Andamans by ship. Being a Sunday the beach was extra-crowded.
So we decided to go out for a ride and stroll. With Chennai offering very limited options we headed to the largest and most popular of places during the weekend – The Marina Beach! Over the last year or so have visited several times. As soon as we reached amma recollected her days in Chennai over 3 decades back! Looking at the harbor she recollected the times when appa-amma came back from the Andamans by ship. Being a Sunday the beach was extra-crowded.
Every time I step out I wonder if I should carry my camera along and mostly decide against. This time I did the same too…soon to regret it. The sights and sounds of the Marina Beach were simply eye-catching – horse-riding, nomads performing rope tricks, traditional parakeet-aided future tellers, kids flying kites, rifle shooting, vendors selling sweet meats and finally scores of people taking a dip as the waves of the Bay of Bengal hit the shore. I look around as Reema asks me to estimate the crowd around which I estimate to be around 5-7000. Luckily I had my Nokia E75 camera coming to the rescue to capture these vivid images.
After a bit of strolling we settled down on the edge of the waves to soak in the gentle breeze…Sun god was kind enough to play hide and seek with the clouds. I wished we had a backpack with us…would have pulled out the rug and had a quick nap!
Couple of hours passed by…It was getting dark and skies had signs of rainfall. While I would have loved to stay longer, we left to get back home. With hours left for the weekend to end I was already thinking of another week ahead…Wondering that ‘Life has become part of work rather than the other way round’!
Couple of hours passed by…It was getting dark and skies had signs of rainfall. While I would have loved to stay longer, we left to get back home. With hours left for the weekend to end I was already thinking of another week ahead…Wondering that ‘Life has become part of work rather than the other way round’!
lovely eye candy...only wish you had macro pics....your blogspot page has very small font...wd d good to increase it a bit! Also bigger picd with better footge as one can hardly see what you have collaged. They are very catchy pics reflecting the evening mood in the beach...wd have loved to see each of them...love the one where u have captured the sand castle and the one of the fishes(?) bathed in red spice powder!!!
Hmmm...Point taken...FOnt size will increase
Have not been able to load individual pictres separately @ different places in the blog. Will surely try it.
Individual pictures are being put on flickr...
Happy to know u loved the pics...Didnt tell me how like the new blog layout...
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