Concluding part of a 3 part series of one of the most fun filled trip I have had in my life (given I haven't had many in the last decade or so!!!).
It was going to be high on spirituality. The day began as usual with Anu & Som packing for the day for Srishti as she was busy playing with us. Around 8.30am we left along with Namasya for the Matrimandir (http://bit.ly/bLn4BC). Sanskrit for Temple of The Mother, is an edifice of spiritual significance for practitioners of Integral yoga, situated at the center of Auroville initiated by The Mother (http://bit.ly/8maSvG), founder of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. It is called soul of the city and is situated in a large open space called Peace. Matrimandir, does not belong to any particular religion or sect.
Situated just outside Pondicherry, it took us about 30 mins to reach. While Reema & myself have visited it earlier, given didn't have the pre-requisite permissions we just saw it from the outside. This time we were going for a guided tour and offer our 'prayers' inside the sanctum! Upon reaching there we were told that Srishti was not allowed to we have to leave her with Namasya and vanish while she was busy playing. Sad... A battery operated vehicle took us to the Matrimandir. The Matrimandir took 37 years to build, from the laying of the foundation stone at sunrise on 21st February 1971 - the Mother’s 93rd birthday - to completion in May 2008. It is in the form of a huge sphere surrounded by twelve pedestals. The central dome is covered by golden discs and reflects sunlight, which gives the structure its characteristic radiance.
Upon reaching the dropping point we alighted the vehicle and proceeded to obtain our tokens. Soon along with the rest of the people waiting there a volunteer took us in an orderly silent queue (much like the tiny tots in schools!!!) towards the main structure. While waiting outside for the previous group to exit we got to see this golden 'golf ball' from close quarters. It really was a marvel structure. Really wished we could take the camera inside! Soon we got into the structure where we were directed to wear a pair of socks and proceeded towards the sanctum. It was a circular walkway up to the prayer area much like the Reichstag (http://bit.ly/g0RfLL) in Berlin. After the prayers we came out to see the place for a bit before going back to the battery car. First thing Anu said once we got out was 'Srishti!!!'
When we got back we realised this li'l lady had forgotten about us and was blissfully playing with some flowers. She also had her snacks and water. Such a sweet kid. I was famished and rushed to the cafeteria to have some lime juice. After getting recharged I cajoled Srishti and carried her along for some window shopping. We left from there back to the city to have lunch at the Aashram Dining Room - a place which serves basic food for all ages 3 times a day. Once done we proceeded home to relax.
We found ourselves back at the Beach road where Anu, Reema & myself sat chatting. Soon we were joined by Srishti, Som & Namsya. After a bit of shopping we headed back home. And soon it was time to say good byes, get into the car and head back to Chennai.
Time has flown....all 3 days of it. But as I said in the starting it was one of the most fun filled trip of my life. Thank you Srishti, Anu, Som, Namasya and of course Reema for the memories which I'll cherish for a long time to come....
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